Become a Secret Agent!

Hey, wanna become a EPF agent? Well this is your chance! This is the complete guide to becoming one terrific agent!

  1. Go to the Everyday Phoning Facility to begin the test.

2. Click the Phone on the wall in the Everyday Phoning Facility.

3. You will now start the test. Throw a snowball at the target.

4. When it tells you to, run from the red square to the green square as fast as you can!

5. Now pick a hiding spot! NOTE: Do not hide in the same spot I did!

6. When it tells you to go on the blue square. DON’T DO IT! It is a trap! If you do by any chance, throw a snowball at the power box.

7. Now you are officially an EPF agent enter the NEW command room!

8. Enter the Command Room and get your new spy phone!

Congrats! You now have your awesome new spy phone and have access to the all-new HQ! Lots of people are here, and this server is only one bar full! HURRY! Be one of the first to become an EPF agent!


If you want to get 100% perfect on the test, then follow the instructions below:

1. Go to the EPF room and click the screen to take the test.

2. Throw a snowball at the target.

3. Click the red square ONCE when it tells you.

4. Now you have to find a hiding spot. When the cameras are off, hide beside the bottom right pillar, once you’re there throw a snowball at camera 2 (The one infront of you). The camera should get clogged with it. When they turn on, you will not be spotted!

5. For the final step, DO NOT walk to the blue square. Throw a snowball at the blue square and the trap will activate to the snowballs weight. This way, you will get PERFECT on the test!

Shhh… It’s a secret!

Credits to Icecube7st1 for telling me this awesome secret!

Good Luck!


(Credit to

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